Monthly Archives March 2018

[IRID’18] Innovative Research and Industrial Dialogue 2018 on 18 July 2018

March 13, 2018
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IRID’18 is an one day research event hosted by the Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC), UTeM.

IRID aims to offer a unique platform for researchers, engineers and post-graduate students from industry, especially in the field of engineering and technology to present their research findings, establish a mutual knowledge transfer and networking.
Through this platform, solutions to the problems and needs of the local industry can be shared, thus bridging the gap between university and industry in Malaysia.


For Research Showcase, prospective authors are kindly invited to submit their 2-pages extended abstract. All submitted extended abstracts will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to the topics, and readability.

Please find the details and flow of Submission and Registration in below.

Flow of Submission

Online Registration Form: IRID Online Registration


The extended abstract should be written in English (including figures, tables and references).
The extended abstract should be 2 pages length.
The extended abstract should be prepared in Microsoft Word format by using the template given below.
Template & Instruction for 2 Pages Extended Abstract
The extended abstract must be submitted online via EASYCHAIR by 1st April 2018.
Please name the file according to your paper title.
All submitted extended abstract will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria:

Relevance to the topic

More info:

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[CEAT2018] Call For Papers: International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology, 5-6 September 2018

March 13, 2018
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We are pleased to announce that the 5th IET International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT 2018) will be organized in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 5 – 6 September 2018. The CEAT 2018 is jointly organized with the 4th International Conference on Global Sustainability & Chemical Engineering (ICGSCE 2018).

The CEAT-ICGSCE 2018 aims to provide a premier academic platform for researchers from all around the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications in the domain of interest. It also provides a unique interdisciplinary forum that can create potential collaboration and networking among the academics, engineers and researchers leading to a development of new technology and solutions for a greener future.

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers according to the scope of the conference and guidelines provided on the conference website:

Please check the conference website regularly for the latest updates.

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Call for Undergraduate Students (1st & 2nd Year BEKM/ BEKG) for Student Competition 2018/2019

March 13, 2018
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List of available competition:

Innovate (Innovate Malaysia Design Competition) –

Who can join? Open to undergraduate students, team of 3 students.

Design Challenge: Renewable Energy

Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite, renewable energy sources regenerate. Renewable energy is energy that tapped from the continually replenished sources, typically solar, biomass, wind, tidal, and hydro. The potential of large hydropower in Sarawak is largely known with several studies undertaken by government bodies, consulting firms, and utility companies. However, the potential of small renewable sources comprising of solar, biomass, wind, tidal, and small hydro is largely unknown and hence, these resources are largely untapped.

Recognizing the importance of utilizing these small renewable energy sources, the Energy Design Challenge welcomes studies to determine the theoretical and economic potential of these small renewable sources, and mapping of these resources to explore and identify their potential applications for fully utilization in urban and rural development.


Do email me at to discuss further research details and for further information. Share this email with your friends who might be interested.

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